Zuri in Brown Bunnies: Black Beauty Ready To Fuck

So today me and my boy were on the hunt to find our next new talent. We came across a pretty sexy girl who said she is looking for work and she is a model. So we told her that we were shooting a music video and she was totally down. When we got her back to the house we kinda of told her what she wanted to hear, which was $$$$. We told her that the scene calls for a great BJ and some great sex if she was down. She said she was broke as fuck and after thinking about for like 2 seconds she dropped to her knees to show off her skills. The whole time she said she had to go but let me tell you my friends we got are moneys worth out of this one for sure.


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Monique Symone in Brown Bunnies: Sexy Black Girls Gets White Dick

Today my friends we have a super hot one named Monique. She is from the West-side and she has such a sexy ass face. Now we get her to shoot a couple of hoops with us, bare titty and all and lets just say she is totally better at sucking and fucking then B-ball, lol. My boy totally takes her inside and slams her sexy ass body all around my friend’s living room. She didn’t even know what fucking hit her today, but for some reason she totally wanted fucking more cock, yes I love her, lol.

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Sophia Diaz in Brown Bunnies: Sexy Brown Bunny Gets Fucked

Today’s brown bunny is a beautiful mixed girl, Sophia Diaz. She’s definitely meets the criteria of being hot, brown, and knowing how to fuck. She gets taken poolside, and then from there in a variety of positions. Her ass hops on top of our stud and rides it like her life depended on it. This girl has it all.

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